Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sam Houston Jones State Park, Louisiana

May 4, 2011 

On May 23 Bill and I will be celebrating forty years of weddedness. We have learned many things in those years and are now continually grateful to have these mature years to enjoy our life together. Today, May 4, is the anniversary of our meeting. We are thankful.

Sam Houston Jones State Park includes 1,087 acres in Calcasieu Parish, 12 miles north of Lake Charles, LA. The city, which we do not intend to see, is the fifth largest city in the state of Louisiana. We are miles from there in the beautiful natural region of lagoons surrounded by a mixed forest of tall pines and hardwoods.

The first thing to come to our attention were the LOVEBUGS!! I thought I'd left them behind when I moved away from Florida.

The second thing was breathtaking. Swamp. Cypress swamp. One of my favorite things is cypress knees, where the roots come out of the water in order to breathe. I can make up stories about the groups of people and animals I see represented.

An internet comment says it best:

glimpse of paradise

SHJSP is better for one's health than any tranquiIizer or medication. I cannot imagine a more peaceful, beautiful place anywhere. There is nothing quite like a swamp and this is the best!

I see a shepherd

Another day, another experience!

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