Thursday, May 5, 2011

Martin Creek Lake State Park, East TX

April 1, 2011

A new record has been set and sticker shock has set in. Our two tanks on the truck hold a total of 88 gallons of diesel fuel. In Prescott, Arkansas, Bill poured in a total of only 31.4 gallons today and at $3.98 a gallon the total was $125.25. Whew! We know it will get even worse. However, traveling is what we do. Traveling is what we spend our money on.

At the Super Wal-Mart in Atlanta, TX, we pulled in beside a large motorhome with a Lincoln “toad” car. A study in contrasting life-styles! I opened the door of the truck, was caressed by 70s degree warmth, and immediately rid myself of the winter fleece jacket. Our food supply was restored.

At Martin Creek Lake Texas State Park we have a wooded site with a lake view. Very pleasant. Flat Stanley is especially pleased. We all sat outside and were grateful for this time in Nature. Butterflies cavorted. The sunset was sensational. Life is good.

As I stood by the side of the water which was filled with the gold of the sunshine, I felt as if I were IN the sunset instead of just looking at it. A God moment for me.

We were all very tired from our day of traveling. And so to bed.

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